How to Handle Conflicts Between Spouse During Divorce

Minimizing Conflict during Divorce

If you are facing a grueling and tiresome divorce, an Orange County child custody lawyer can provide not only legal advice, but sound counsel and wise guidance as well. No matter how hard couples try to avoid conflict during the divorce process, it is bound to arise and cause stressful situations. The best ways to handle conflict may differ from couple to couple, but the following tips may be helpful as you endure the lengthy dissolution process. Continue reading

Child Custody Arrangements and Solutions

Child Contact Guidelines after a Divorce

For many people, the toughest aspect of a divorce is figuring out how to manage the children while ensuring they have adequate time to spend with each parent. As your Orange County family attorney, I can vouch for the fact that, while difficult, managing the inherent emotional adjustment of living in separate homes is not impossible and your family can make it through these adjustments in a positive way. Continue reading

How Social Networking Can Affect Your Child Custody Case

If you need assistance with child custody or other family law matters, attorney Bethanie Fanti can help. However, if an issue is in dispute, you need to be careful what you say, and where you say it. What you post on Facebook is permanent. While social networking sites may seem like ideal places to vent or air “dirty laundry,” comments you Tweet may come back to haunt you in Family Court. Continue reading

Support Modifications

Because all families go through changes over time, requests for modifications to support orders are common.  Whether you are seeking a modification or opposing one requested by your spouse, a family lawyer can significantly improve your chances of success. Continue reading

What is a DCSS Hearing?

A DCSS hearing is an administrative hearing conducted by the state during which you have an opportunity to present evidence and argument regarding your dispute with your Local Child Support Agency.  While some people choose to handle DCSS hearings themselves, others choose to hire a family lawyer to advocate their rights. Continue reading

Why is the Date of Separation Important?

Property acquired by either spouse during marriage but after separation is ordinarily the acquiring spouse’s separate property.  If you have property that you believe is your separate property, it is important to make sure that the court will also view your current status as separated.  If the court does not consider the you separated, the property is considered community property and will be divided equally. Continue reading

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